Blade and Soul Another Look

I'm still having fun playing Blade and Soul, I've decided to start playing as an assassin. I think I'm enjoying him more than the Kung Fu Master, but that might be because of my addiction to Naruto, that could also be why I've recently started playing Final Fantasy XIV as a ninja.

Anyway the lag times during combat comes and goes now. Sometimes I can just change the channel I'm playing on, and that clears it up right away, and other times no matter where I go as soon as combat starts all sorts of trouble starts.

Another problem that is more of an annoyance that a real problem are the gold bots in chat. A lot of games have the same problem and I just use the same fix for all of them, right click, and block.

On an entirely different note, I've started doing let's plays, If you want to check them please do on my youtube channel.


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