What is P2W

What is pay to win (p2w)?
  • Pay to win is when the game offers you something in-game for real money that give you an unfair advantage over everybody else. 

  • Weapons that are more powerful than anything else in the game.
  • Characters that are more powerful than anything else in game.
  • wait times, travel times become so long that the game becomes near impossible to play without paying.

What isn't it?
  • Cosmetic items. New hair isn't going to win you anything.
  • Experience Bonus
  • Mounts

Where things get confusing?
Sometimes a game is still p2w even if you can get the items without paying. Well then how is it p2w? Really it all comes down to a balancing act. If the game is selling a super weapon and you can pay real money to get it but you can also get the game threw in game currency it's not p2w, unless, getting that in-game currency in drops few and far between making it almost impossible to get enough to buy the item.
A game that has done a good job of balancing is Warframe. You can pay to get a specific type of currency that you can use to get new warframes, but you can also just play the game and earn that same currency at a reasonable rate to buy the same warframe.


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