Blade and Soul yay or not...

The new mmo Blade and Soul, from Nexon has just been released. I was super excited about, can't beat a good martial arts game after all then I started playing.

At first I was doing pretty good, the movement was good, the story was interesting, and the graphics are nice but then it happened. Right as the climax to the cinematic at the end of the first zone was happening, the game crashed. When I logged back in suddenly I was in a new zone, no clue of what happened to my master or my friends, now I'm just standing in some town near a beach.

Well, I guess I can get over that, I'm sure videos of it will be on youtube. Then I got into my first fight that wasn't in the starting zone and then the lag begins. Trying to get the counter punch to work, is near impossible to get to work, suddenly other enemies are just appearing around me, even my normal attacks are off because all the timing has just gone out the window.

I've asked for help to see if anybody else has had this problem, so we'll see.


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