Diablo 3 Launch Adventure!

That wasn't pretty...

So like many people I rushed out and bought Diablo 3 sped home and started the long boring task of installing the game. I unlike what seems like a lot of the others that bought the game actually got the chance to play. Of course that was for only an hour and the servers were down. The entire night the servers were up and down, mostly down leaving the gaming public salivating for the chance to destroy the lords of evil.

So was it worth it? I've manged to pummel my way threw about half the game with my monk and have fallen in love. Diablo 3 has a compelling story, tons of weapons, armor, and skills to gather up. The graphics are top notch and the new auction house gives players a way to earn some extra money.

People have given the game some bad reviews due to the fact of all the technical problems on launch day, and the fact that the real money section off the auction house wont be up until the 22 of the this month. The simple fact is that if you've enjoyed the past Diablo games you'll enjoy this one.


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