Diablo 3 review!

Lots of flash not do much bang!

I've been looking forward to Diablo 3 now for what seems like years. I've played since the original and have relived every second of the series, well almost every second of the series.

The game it's self has a great story that keeps you tied to your seat until the very end and maybe that's the problem. The story is great, well told, compelling. Explaining things from the other games as to not leave the new players in the dark. It has plenty of twists and turns leaving people guessing what's going to happen next. Not to mention breath taking cinematics that is until you beat the game. With everything that has happened so far you expect some super amazing, wet your pants spectacular ending, and it simply doesn't happen. It almost feels like the developers got to the end of the game, couldn't decided what to do and just said screw this I'm done the end, leaving all of us dumbfounded and wanting. Major characters are just left floating in the wind and while that could lead to expansions or patches later. It does nothing for us right now.

As for the game okay is the same old reliable top down smash, shoot, burn that we've all grown to love and what diablo is known for. If you didn't like it before you sure aren't now, but for the rest of us, it's a blast. You can choose between playing as a barbarian, monk, witch doctor, demon hunter, or sorcerer. Something new that past diablos didn't give us is th ability to choose your gender. Each class has it's own unique skills. Want to bash heads in with a giant axe, barbarian is your friend Julie if you want minions to do your biding oh look the witch doctor is looking good. The old skill system and stat points has been removed. Your stats now just go up by level, also with levels new skills are awarded, making your character not as customizable, bugging a lot of players. Online play is back and better than ever. Setting up an online game is super easy not to mention that threw battle.net you can talk with your buddies still playing WoW.

Other things Blizzard has added to the Diablo world is a larger crafting sense. Getting rid of the herodric cube and giving us a blacksmith and jewel crafter. Also an online auction house lets you buy and sell items over the web, eventually an auction house that uses real money is supposed to open but I'm not sure when.

So was it worth picking up? I think so. Not often lately do I get do into a game that I play late into the night only to rush back the next day to play more. I find myself wanting to replay already to experience the other classes, smd pick up achievements that I missed before not to mention playing on the more difficult settings.


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