Diablo 3 Tips

Basic Diablo Tips for any Class

It doesn't  matter if you're playing threw for the first time or your an old pro (well if you're an  old pro you probably know all this), here are some tips to make you're Diablo experience a little better.

  • DON'T STAND IN THE FIRE! So their is way more than just fire that you shouldn't be standing in. Really if it came out of some monster and is bubbling on the ground just stay away from it. I know this is the most obvious thing but in Diablo 3 I've found that the fire, acid, gas and so forth eats your health way faster than just about any attack.
  • The Alt key is your friend. Why you ask, because sometimes after you kill a group of monsters you can't see everything that has dropped, letting you miss out on all sorts of goodies. Just press the  all mighty alt key everything appears and life is good.
  • Make sure you always have an escape route. You make think that their is only a couple bad guys standing around for a quick and easy kill but it's amazing what can be waiting for you just off screen.
  • Repair your gear. It's not expensive and keeps you alive.
  • Pick up everything. By picking up everything you have something to sell, not to mention something to breakdown at the blacksmith so you can craft new better gear.
  • Use your best Gems. Gems make good gear better, and better gear, great.
  • Take out gems from gear you aren't using. It's cheap, it's easy, and lets be honest gems, are pretty.
  • Turn on Elective mode. It's in the option menu under game play. This lets you put whatever skill you want in any quick slot you want, giving you more customization and letting you use more than one skill from each section.
I hope those tips help you in your demon hunting fun. If you have any other tips feel free to leave them in the comments. Happy hunting.


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