Diablo 3 Stat Guide

Diablo 3 Stat Guide

So I know when I started playing I was a bit lost on which stats would help which character. Of course it's easy to guess guess that intelligence is going to be good for the Wizards, and  strength is going to be good for a Barbarians, wouldn't vitality help everybody? And what about Dexterity? Here's a quick guide to that the stat system of Diablo 3.

Strength: Raises damage for Barbarians and Armor for all classes.

Dexterity: Raises damage for Monks and Demon Hunters and increases Dodge Chance for all classes.

Intelligence: Raises damage for Witch Doctors and Wizards and increases resistance for all classes.

Vitality: Raises how much life your character has for all classes.

Armor: Cuts down on damage taken

Damage: How much damage your character can do.

So in some way or another each of the stats help. You'll just want to go out of your way to stack your characters main stat, usually followed by vitality.

Hope that helps everybody. If you have something to add please let me know in the comments or send an e-mail. Happy hunting.


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