BioShock Infinite Review

Today I beat BioShock Infinite. I probably could have gone threw it faster, but this being the first BioShock I've ever taken the time to really sit down and play I wanted to take my time, and I'm glad I did. You can't just rush your way threw this game, you have to sit back and take your time to savor everything.  The scenery is breathtaking and the towns come to life as you explore your way threw them.  Everything takes you back to 1912 where this story takes place.

As for combat it's standard first person shooter. Their are about a dozen guns you can use that you can upgrade as the game goes along. You also get to use vigor, powers you get as the game progresses giving you super powers. Everything from shooting lightening and fire to knocking people into the air or pushing them away. I felt like some of the guns, the RPG for example were super underpowered. While other guns like the hand cannon were over powered taking out people in a single shot.

While in some games companions are of little to no help, in BioShock Infinite Elizabeth, the woman that you're sent to get, actually helps. As you two go running threw the game she will find money, ammo, health, and salts at what always seems to be the right time. I never had trouble with her being right there with me or getting in the way. Elizabeth also point out items on the ground that you might miss, and use lock picks to open locked doors and safes found threw the game.

I was pretty skeptical when the game first came out. The game had been pushed back time after time and now here it was finally was it really as great as everybody was saying? The answer is yes. Even after just beating it, I want to go back and do it again.  After beating it I understand so much more about what was going on  at the beginning of the story. You may not completely understand what is going at first. Things may seem strange or out of place but hold on. All things will be made clear. If you play any game this year play this one. For once all the hype was right.


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