Xbox 720 a major turn off?

After a series of tweets from Adam Orth, is it me or does twitter seem to just get everybody in trouble, basically telling everybody to deal with the fact that the Xbox 720 will always be online, fans of the Xbox line seem to be more than a little upset. Orth tweeted,
 "Sorry, I don't get the drama around having an "always on" console. Every device now is "always on". That's the world we live in." #dealwithit
First off never tell the world to deal with it when you rely on them buying a system that isn't out yet, and that's competing with two other systems, to just deal with it. When you tell people to just deal with it people tend to go buy other systems and point and laugh when you get fired and tell you to deal with it.

Really I don't think the fact that the system is always online is such a big deal, as Adam said most things are always online, and yes it is the world we live in now. The problem comes, when I want to play a single player game, I don't want to be have to be online to play it. Just look at games like Diablo 3 and Sim City. People are still playing them, but nobody is happy that you have to constantly be online to play them. I don't want to have to have an online connection to sit around by myself playing your games.  I want a choice, people like choices.

Also before we all freakout and decide that Xbox 720 is going to suck, they haven't done their official unavailing of the system yet. So we don't know anything that is really set in stone yet. We should wait until May when they do officially unveil it before we decide it sucks and aren't going to buy it.


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