First DC Injustice DLC

It's only a couple weeks since Injustice: Gods Among Us was released and already we not only know what the first DLC is but we now know when it's going to be released.
The very first downloadable character will be Lobo and on May 7th you'll be able to download him.

But who is Lobo? Lobo was originally a villain but later turned mercenary/bounty hunter. he made his first appearance in Omega Men issue 3. He has super strength, and a super healing ability where he can regenerate himself from as little as a single cell. Lobo has a deep personal code and will never break his word even with his sadistic and vulgar attitude.

If you've been online lately you've already seen the videos of Lobo and Batman beating each other senseless but just in-case here's a link to a bunch of videos on the IGN website.


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