Defiance First Impressions

I wasn't sure if I was going to even pick up Defiance. I thought it was over advertised and usually when something gets that many commercials it's not going to be pretty. Then just before the game was officially released we started getting reviews, and they weren't all that great either.  Don't get me wrong some people really liked the game, but a lot of people were, to put it nicely less than happy. 

Problems included popping textures, problems with physics, falling threw the ground, server crashes, updating crashes, corrupted files, just to name a few. Bugs aside some thought the textures were muddy, the quests were repetitive, the voice acting was bad, and the A.I. was stupid.

Anyway in the end I picked up the game all the same and I love it! I love the combat, I love just driving around in my vehicle, I love the arc falls where dozens of people come together to blast bugs.  The combat is dynamic, you aren't going to be standing around just pressing a couple keys like in WoW. You are going to run, roll, sprint, and blast everything in your path.  It's plays like a 3rd person shooter. You get different skills, cloaking, a decoy, over power, and super speed along with different passive skills that  up your stats and give each of the skills more power. Along with your powers and a limitless supply of guns, you have an endless supply of grenades that return after a time.  The world seems to be pretty big, but I haven't really explored the entire thing yet. It is a lot  of fun driving around on my ATV though. I'm not all the great at driving around usually but  these vehicles are easy to control. Their are different types of vehicles, cars buggies, and ATV's are what I've seen so far.

As for the problems, what MMO have you played that didn't launch without problems? None. It doesn't make it right though, I think all games need to do a better job of testing games and making sure they work before they release them.  Defiance has been patching..... a lot.  I think the crashing of the game has gone down dramatically. It's not perfect but things are improving.

Questing never seems to be every bodies least favorite thing to do in any game. Repetitive? Yeah they are. Kill so many of something, activate so many of something, defend, and escort. They are the standard quests for any MMO and Defiance follows the same pattern.  Little things  Defiance adds racing time trials, kill'em all, and shooting quests that give you a score that is then compared to every bodies score in a kind of game wide competition. Also like Guild Wars 2 all the events are dynamic so when somebody else comes to do the same quest you're doing you help each other so it doesn't become a competition to get some done.

The game isn't perfect though. I think some of the voice acting is pretty bad. The same goes for the A.I. Sometimes the bag guys will be right on you and other times you wonder if they are going to attack you ever. The menu system is obviously set up for console users, so PC people are going to have a little while trying to figure out their way around them. The social aspect of the game is lacking. I haven't actually seen somebody say anything yet, which for any MMO is kinda weird. Even the trolls are silent. From what I hear their is some kinda guild like thing but I haven't seen any of that around either. Maybe it will all pick up if the game gets more popular.

I haven't had time to try the PvP so far so I can't really comment on that yet.

So far the game is blast. I've had a lot of fun and little to no troubles.  I'm not going to give up WoW for it, but for something to pick up, play and  enjoy myself for an hour or two this is a great game.


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