Next Batman revealed feel free to cry. I know I did.

So to start the story here, the next Superman movie is supposed to be a duo of Batman and Superman. We have already heard that Henry Cavill is going to return as the man of steel but who is going to be Batman. Well today Director Zack Snyder has officially announced that the next dark knight is going to be played by Ben Affleck.... yeah. Did anybody else wince in pain when they read that? I know I did, but why you ask? The last super hero I can remember Affleck playing is the Dare Devil and if you saw that you movie you know exactly why you don't want him to be the next Batman. If you haven't seen that movie, count your blessings and pray that you are never exposed to it.  I've always thought that Affleck couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag and now we're doomed to suffer his acting again.

Anyway the next upcoming Superman, Batman movie is set to be released July 17, 2015. Of course we all know how those dates are never even close to being set in stone. Yeah...


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