The Worlds End Review

Yesterday I went out and saw The Worlds End, the new Simon Pegg, Nick Frost comedy.  I was actually surprised, the movie wasn't in my local theater and I actually had to go for a bit of a drive to get a one that was playing and even there we were put in the very last  theater. You know the one, it's like  a quarter of the size of all the others, the one where movies that are almost done running are usually put. The theater was packed though. I guess the owners didn't expect many people to want to see the movie.

Anyway back to the movie. The Worlds End is about Gary King and how he wants to relive better days by trying to go back to his home town and finish and epic pub-crawl that he and his group of friends had failed 20 years earlier.  Gary manages to convince his old group of friends to come back and attempt the pub-crawl, that would end at the worlds end, only to find out that something is pretty wrong with the town and becomes a struggle not only reconcile the groups past but save the human race.

I enjoyed the movie but didn't think it was as good as past movies, Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead. This movie felt a lot darker than other movies, and some of the jokes felt like they were almost forced into the movie to help lighten the mood. I did get a good laugh though and would recommend going and seeing it.


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