Tales of Xillia Tips
Recently tales of Xillia was released here in the U.S. The tales games have always been some of my most favorite JRPGs so I thought I'd post some tips to help your epic trek threw the game.
- When in combat remember to use the dodge. If you time the back step right you'll jump back and appear behind the enemy giving you time to unleash a massive combo on your enemy.
- When exploring the world monsters are just wondering about around you. Don't let them start the combat, make sure to run around behind them. When the combat starts all the enemies will take damage and have a chance of being stunned making life a whole lot easier.
- Explore, Explore, Explore! Make sure to take your time and explore everything around you. You never know what you'll find in a hole somewhere.
- Pick up all the resources you find. You can never have to many resources to help upgrade the shops which in the end will upgrade your gear.
- Eat! The food in this game doesn't just up your stats, but can increase your exp, and money gained from each fight.
- Do the side quests. Sure you'll get money and experience from them but they also have hidden plot points and for all the collectors out there they will give you costume pieces to dress up your character.
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