Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer released!

If you haven't already heard the news, patch 5.4 for World of Warcraft is on it's way. Siege of Orgrimmar will not only include a new raid where you actually get to lay siege to Orgrimmar (go figure)  but will also include new Flexible Raid Difficulty, a new Arena: Timeless Isle, Proving grounds, and a remade arena system.

The new flexible raid difficulty is supposed to adjust it's difficulty automatically based on the the number of players in the raid. The challenge for the raid should be somewhere between the Raid Finder and normal difficulty.

The new Proving Grounds feature is supposed to take level 90 players and test them in trials for each character type, tank, healer, and dps. Each of the trails will have four different difficulties, bronze, silver, gold and endless.

With the new Arena setup players will no longer have to form a team to compete. Your opponets will be chosen based on the average match making rating of the party. Also all  arenas will now be a region-wide event.

We aren't sure exactly when this patch is going to drop but it seems like it should be soon.


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