Looking Good

My first play threw of Wildstar is ever continuing. Actually the game is a lot of fun. I'm up to level 42, only 8 levels left, and I've picked up a little more slick looking gear. I've also ended up using about a third of the money I've been saving to get my advanced riding skill. At first I didn't think it was worth it, but it's helped me get some of the timed achievements done so oh well. I've also started running more PVP. It's Ok, with only a couple battlegrounds to run right now it's a bit repetitive. I also find that I have no idea what's happening most of the time. I mean I know where to run but in the fog of combat all to often I find myself just spamming my attacks into the crowd right in front of me, and even with that and no PVP gear I'm still in the top 3 for damage and kills. I'm hoping it will be a bit more interesting once more battlegrounds launch. As for the Adventures and Dungeons, I haven't had much of any luck...