WildStar Combat Tips

I've been playing Wild Star for just a little while now but I've come across somethings that may be perfectly obvious to some players and not even thought of by others when it comes to combat. So here's a quick list.

  • Keep those feet moving. Just because you can't see that red area of effect marking on the ground doesn't mean no damage is coming your way. The combat really is designed around moving around as much as possible.
  • Use your "r" skills. I don't know what they are really called but they're activated by pressing the "r" key on the keyboard so there you go. Anyway when I first started playing I thought they were one of those panic skills with an epic cool down time, not so much. Most of them recharge surprisingly fast and all of them boost your damage and healing a ton.
  • All characters come with some sort of interrupt skill, and all players should have one in their action bars. During boss fights in dungeons some will have multiple layers interrupt armor, everybody having some sort of interrupt in these fights can be the difference between life and death for the party.
  • Don't just spam skills. Pay attention to patterns of enemies, keep moving, and watch for promts.  Boss fights remind me a lot of an anime, they have to yell out the name of an attack before they do it. This is going to give you time to get yourself positioned or use those interrupts. 
Those are some things that have helped me out. If you can think of any others feel free to share in the comments section, I know I need all the help I can get and I'm sure other do to.


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