Destiny Open Beta!

I wasn't sure if I was going to pick up Destiny. I only have my PC and a PS3 and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure if I'm even going to go get one of the next gen systems.  Most of the games I want are on the PC in some shape or form and most of them look better on the PC. One of the few games that had me on the fence though was Destiny. I watched my brother play it on the PS4 and everything about it looked amazing, but who wants to buy a next gen game on last seasons system right?

Anyway I finally have a way to make up my mind. The beta for Destiny has gone open on all the systems including the PS3, so if you like me are on the fence about the game go download it. I'll let you know what I think of it once I've had a chance to play for awhile.


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