New Skins for Borderlands 2

You can now pick up new Pre-Sequel skins for Borderlands 2. I guess starting today six new heads and skins will be released for each of the Borderlands 2 characters that represent characters for the new Pre-Sequel Borderlands 2 title. they are supposed to be super rare loot drops but every so often on certain dates they can be unlocked using Shift Codes that Gearbox is going  to release.

Those certain dates are :
  • July 18: Axton as Athena
  • July 25: Salvador as Wilhelm
  • Aug. 1: Maya as Nisha
  • Aug. 8: Zer0 as Claptrap
  • Aug. 15: Gaige as Moon Moxxi
  • Aug. 22: Krieg as a Scav

As always happy hunting.


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