mmMMMmmmm more news goodness.

So if you're anything like me you spent the day raging over the announcement that the new Tomb Raider game is only going to be on the Xbox. Well now all sorts of things are popping up all over the net, maybe exclusive doesn't really mean exclusive, but kinda exclusive. Like the kind of exclusive that means that Tomb Raider may be out on the other systems just after a period of time. At least that's the inference a lot of people are getting from what has been officially released. Who knows what's actually going on, I know I sure don't. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Diablo 3 is getting ready for it's next patch, 2.1.0, which I'm super excited for. Ever wonder been chasing that darn treasure goblin along, watch him open that darn portal, of course you manage to take him out before he escapes, but where does that portal go? In the upcoming patch we are finally going to get the chance to see. Every so often after you take the treasure goblin the portal may stay open giving you a path treasure, glory, and a new monster to take out, the demon Greed. I guess it's time to bring the my old characters out of moth balls and start smashing some demons again.

In other Blizzard news, WoW will be show off the new trailer to the upcoming expansion tomorrow along with an official launch date.

Lastly but nowhere least Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes has confirmed that it will launch on Steam. Feel free to get that jig of glee out of your system. See Laura, Snake is going to be on Steam. You should join us, it'll be fun.


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