Ninja Turtle Review

I've been a ninja turtle fan for more years than I can remember. When I was little I would run around being that ninja fighting to foot, and eating pizza. Even as the years passed and the new cartoons would come on, or the amazing comics books were released, I would be there ready and waiting. That's why when I heard that this new movie was coming I was excited.... and slightly scared. I mean how where these new turtles going to stomp on something I loved so much growing up. So when I went to the theater I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm not to sure what people were expecting from the Ninja Turtle movie, but this was a good PG, kids movie. Maybe that's what seemed to bug so many reviewers. It really is a kids, PG movie. If you go expecting some over the top movie aimed at older audiences then you're going to be disappointed. If you go and keep in mind that it really is a kids movie, you will have fun.

Each of the turtles acted just as you would expect them to act. Everybody was in perfect character. Even Master Splinter was what you would expect. People who have watched the old cartoon will catch little jokes that some others may not, but all in all the movie was a lot of fun. The one thing I think I would have liked was just a little more action.

If you're looking for a good movie and you've already seen Guardians, then this is the movie to go to.


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