Wildstar Attunements, never gonna happen.

Imbuements,  Attunements....
So I'm not that great of a Wildstar player, I'm secure enough to admit it. I still get my butt kicked on a regular basis, and while I am slowly getting better (only had to run back 3 times last night due to scorchwing deaths, OK you can stop laughing now) it's still nowhere near good. That's why this whole attunement is never going to happen.

Right now at endgame one of the things to do is get something called the Geneiss Key. With the Genesis key you need to complete different quests that add to the imbuement of the key. The quests are called attunement. At least I think that's how it's working.

My current attunement quest is  to complete all of the adventures on veteran mode with at least a silver rating. I'm having trouble beating them on normal with a silver rating. So I really just don't see that happening. Of course even after writing that I have a strange urge to try, and know what I'll end up doing tonight. That's right, yelling at the computer screen as I die over and over again.


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