Mark of the Ninja Review, Dishonored First DLC

Mark of the Ninja Review!

With the big fall sale on Steam I found Mark of the Ninja on sale for only seven dollars and couldn't resist, after all what's life with out ninjas. I wasn't expecting much when I started but was pleasantly surprised. I haven't had so much fun in a long time.
You play the roll of a ninja reaping revenge for the an attack on your clan. The twist? You've been marked with tattoos that are supposed to give you super powers but will eventually lead to your madness. In order to save the world from the madness ninjas of the past with the tattoos have killed themselves. Do you go mad? I'm not going to tell ya, you're going to have to play the game to find out.

The graphics remind me of "Samurai Jack," for anybody that remembers that show. It's a fun cartoon look, and I think that makes the brutal stealth kills look even better.

Along the way you'll get different gear and skills. Gear ranges from noise makers to spiked traps not to mention your all important throwing knives. You'll also get skills that let you do different kills, pulling people down into the air ducts, hanging from the ceiling, and springing from behind objects to take out opponents.

As for the killing, it's there if you want it. The game will rewards you for killing or not killing, letting you play the game how you want to play it. Also by letting you play how you want to play makes me want to play again.

If you likes Ninjas, stealth, or are just looking for a cheap game to help you burn time until Christmas, this game is a great one to pick up. If you want to find out more about this game click here to go to their official page.

Dishonored First DLC

The first DLC for Dishonored is due to come out December 11. It's going to cost five bucks for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. The first DLC will include more trophies and achievements, ten new challenge maps, and an online leader board to see how you match up against other players.


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