New GTA 5 Trailer

So the next iteration in the GTA franchise has released a second trailer for us. So for everybody that has been aching for the chance to jack every car in their path and run a muck threw the streets of Los Santos ( a town inspired by LA.) your wishes have come true.  So hold on to your chairs and click here, to go to the official Grand Theft Auto V youtube site.

GTA V will be set in Los Santos, a city inspired by L.A. The game will include 3 main characters, that players will be able to switch between and almost any time. GTA V will also include multiplayer where "crews" will be able to complete missions. Max Pain 3 was the first game to have the crew system, so if you have done that you should be ready for it here. GTA V is set to be released
March 31, 2013 on both the XBox 360 and PS3.

If you just love all Rockstar Games you can click here for their youtube channel, or check out their official website by clicking here.


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