Wii U review

So I was at the local game store picking up some steam points and had a chance to play the Nintendo Wii U, so I thought I'd let everybody know what I thought about it.

The graphics were lacking to be totally honest. This is supposed to be the next generation for Nintendo and really it barely was up to the standards of the PS3 and Xbox 360. I saw heavy pixelation in some parts of Batman, where on the PS3 version their was none.

The launch titles were a bit lacking as well. I would have loved to have seen the next Zelda game or something on the same scale and it just wasn't there. A lot of the titles are just rehashes of other games that have hit other systems awhile ago. They weren't bad games but with all the amazing titles Nintendo has to pull from I would have like to have seen them on launch.

I thought the game pad was just to darn big and after awhile it got heavy. It weighs about the same amount as an Ipad but even that after awhile can be a pain in the backside to keep holding up after awhile especially if you have to be jumping around. The game pad also makes you charge it from an outlet.  On a positive note, past Wii accessories are compatible with the new system, and the more stuff you can you use that you've already bought the better.

I just wasn't impressed, this was supposed to be the first of the next generation and it felt like the same old stuff I've been watching for the past couple of years. Maybe when we see some of the future titles, the Zeldas and the Metroids the system will be worth it, but right now I'd pass.


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