Skyrim: Dragonborn DLC info

For all of us that have loved Skyrim we can start getting ready for the next DLC, Dragonborn.  Dragonborn will take us to Morrowind, the setting of Elder Scrolls 3 and the hope of Dark Elves.

We will continue our role as the Dragonborn, but now we are on the hunt for the first Dragonborn. The new setting will take us away from the bright more cheery lands of Skyrim, and put us into a darker, bleak land of Morrowind. We will get new shouts, including one that will let us tame dragons. Also we will see new dungeons and travel to the Daedric realm and learn new dark powers.

Skyrim: Dragonborn will be available December 4th on Xbox 360, and only the Shadow knows when we will see it anywhere else. You can check out the official trailer on youtube by click right here.


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