MoP Battleground Adventure

With the new Mists of Pandaria came two new battlegrounds, Temple of Kotmogu, and Silvershard Mine. Finally last night I got to run them and I actually really enjoyed them. I enjoyed them so much I actually spend the night running them over and over again.

Silvershard Mine puts you and your team in an old Venture Co. mine, where horde and alliance battle  over resources. Instead of having a single place to just stand around and guard, not that anybody actually guards, here you follow one of three mine carts along a track. At the end of the track which ever side has more players near the cart gets the resources.  At first I thought it would be better to guard the cart the entire way along the track then discovered their wasn't really a point because right before the cart would make it to finish point a group the other team would swoop in and take us out. So the game because more or a race to get to the carts just before they finish.

Temple of Kotmogu sets you and your team in the temple where you battle for the five relics. Each relic helps you earn points. The relics make the carrier grow in size and do more damage but also take more damage and get healed for less. The closer to the center of the map you are while holding the relic makes you get more points and the first to 1600 points wins the match. I think this had to be one of the fastest moving battlegrounds I've ever been in. the map is so much smaller then others and puts everybody right there you can't help but getting into fights with the other side..

If you haven't had a chance to play either of the new battlegrounds  and you're level 90 you should make time. If you're looking for the official pages about the Silvershard Mines and The Temple of Kotmogu here are the links:

Silvershard Mines

Temple of Kotmogu


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