mmmm news goodness

Between Christmas, Thanksgiving, and super sales everywhere, the end of the year is always my favorite time of the year.

Right now we have Steams autumn sale. so if you're like me with little to no money but still have a longing for good PC gaming, now is a great time to start downloading.

IGN has decided to give us their reviews of Farcry 3, giving it a 9.  To quickly sum things up they loved everything about it, except that fact that it comes with a flimsy co-up mode. If you want to check out the IGN review you can click here.  IGN streamed a bit of game-play yesterday, and the game looked amazing. The world seemed large, the graphics, physics, everything looked outstanding. The game actually reminds me of a modern Skyrim, and I love Skyrim. I haven't played past Farcry games, but I'm going to picking this one up. Farcry 3 will be out in the U.S. on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC on December 4th.

On what seems to be a darker note, the new Hitman title has dropped. The reviews are... well they're mixed. The critic Metascore has it up to 77, which as actually dropped for the mid 80's just the other day. The player Metascore is around 7.5.  The only difference is that users seemed to either love it or hate it, while critics tended to just float around that 7 mark.  I was never much of a Hitman fan to begin with, so I guess this one isn't going to change my mind.


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