Borderlands 2 Axton Tips

Hey everybody I decided to continue with Borderlands 2 by giving tips on each of the playable classes. So for this blog I'm going to start of with Axton.

Axton for those that don't know is the soldier. He actually reminds me a lot of Roland from Borerlands 1, as he summons torrents  to help you take out his opponents.

The Tips:

  1. Use your ability's. That torrent is going to save you in all sorts of tricky situations and it's not like it's not going to recharge so bust out that bad boy.
  2. Watch where you put your torrent. If you place a rocket torrent to close to a wall the rockets will hit the wall and  nothing else. I know how much we all hate walls but their are more important targets.
  3. Your torrent goes after whoever is closest. This gives you a chance to pick your target better. If the torrent is going to take out what it's shooting at before it can get to you, you should go after bad guys further away.
  4. Offense or Defense. If you are more upfront offense kinda person skills like Impact, Overload, Battlefront and Ranger are going  to help you max out your potential damage. Like to play it more defensively I'd go with skills like Forbearance, Preparation, Phalanx Shield, and Grit will help you out.
So I hope some of this tips help out and if you have any others please feel free to comment and let the world learn from your experience.


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