Borderlands 2 Zer0 tips

Zer0 from Borderlands 2 is the super nifty looking assassin. His special power is called deception, Zero turns invisible for a short period and places a decoy out, so he can get close behind an enemy and use his melee attack for a devastating attack bonus. His three skill trees are Sniping for accuracy and critical hit, cunning which is mostly for melee but also helps with sniping, and Bloodshed which is more about giving buffs after each kill.


  1. Ninja Vanish! Your Deception skill isn't just a great way to take down enemies. When you feel the world tumbling out of control pop your Deception skill and run for it.
  2. Sniper Rifles are your friend. Zer0  is an assassin, getting yourself in the middle of every fight isn't always the best way to go. Sometimes it's better to sit back and take out your enemies from afar.
  3. Good skills for a Sniping: Bore, your shots pierce through enemies if it hits another target after it's first it gains a massive damage bonus. Critical Ascension, critical hits with a sniper rifle increase your damage and critical hit damage with sniper rifles and that effect can stack 999 times.
  4. Good Cunning Skills:Death Mark, melee damage marks your target making them take bonus damage from other sources. Death Blossom, while using your deception skills instead of doing normal melee attack you throw Kunai which will explode and do random elemental effects.
  5. Good Bloodshed skills: Execute, in your Deception mode when you do your melee attack you do a dashing super attack. Many Must Fall, when using your deception skill each kill you do will reactivate your invisibility and deploy another hologram.


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