Borderlands 2 Maya Tips

This is the third installment in my Borderlands 2 guides. I've covered Axton, and Zer0 so far and now it's time for the beauty of the wastelands, Maya. Maya is the Siren class for Borderlands. Lilith was a Siren of the original game.

Maya's special skill is Phaselock. It brings enemies into the air locking them down for you to take out. As you gain levels the Phaselock ability will gain different additional powers. Everything from giving back some health, increasing critical and hit damage, not to forget lighting enemies on fire.


  • The Harmony skill tree has abilities that bring back health and is great for playing with friends.
  • The Cataclysm tree is just what is sounds like. Your Phaselock ability will have the added elemental effect.
  • Phaselock is a great ability for setting up sniper shots. Always carry a sniper rifle.
  • The Motion tree is great for handling large groups of enemies. With skills like Converge that will suck a bunch of enemies together setting them up perfectly for a grenade.
  • Motion tree raises the cooldown speed of your Phaselock and also makes it last longer.


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