Borderlands 2 Tricks of the Trade

Borderlands 2 isn't your average fps and treating it as one will leave you in the dust while all your borerlands buddies grab the goodies. So here are  some great tips to put you in the good gear and lay your enemies in the dust.

Where's the money?

The answer, EVERYWHERE! If you want to make good money pick everything up, open ever chest, break everything and anything. You can sell and any money is good money. Want to find the good stuff to sell? Go exploring! The further afield you go wondering the better the gear you're going to find and what you can't use you can sell.

Where is the Really good gear?

Like I said before, go wondering.The more abstract of a place you are the better the gear is your going to get. Also keep track of the Borderlands facebook page. Every so often they will post codes up that you can enter into the game to collect more of those keys that open the chest in the travel station in  Solitude.

The Best Exp?

While wondering around is going to get you some nice gear and some money it's not the best way to get some experience. If you want to get the experience run the missions. Their so so many out there and they are scattered all over the place. I suggest running the easy little extra missions first to build up your character and leaving the story missions for later as they can get kinda intense.

Become a Badass or at least get the points. 

You get these points threw completing challenges you can find in the challenges menu. You can increase everything from how fast your shields will recharge to chance to crit. I know the percentages increased  don't seem like a lot at first but after awhile they help a ton.


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