FarCry 3, Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty or Hunting tips

When you start FarCry 3, you're limited in how much you can carry. Not just in your ruck sack but in how many weapons your can equip, how much ammo you can carry and how my syringes you can carry. So one of the first things you should be doing is getting some hides and start crafting new bags. So here are some hunting tips to get you started in your bag crafting fun:
  • Pelts and animals can't destroyed, so if you want to bust our your rpg and take out that shark go for it.
  • When you are doing the hunting quests, make sure to use the right weapon. 
  • Bring plenty of animal repellant. Animals like the big cats will try to hunt you and their is nothing worse than wondering around trying to find a tiger and instead getting eaten by one.
  • Don't get in the water with the sharks. Go to the beach with either a bow or a your rpg and blast them from the safety of the shore. Skin the shark then remember to get back out of the water!
  • All the skins for the highest level of the bags are from doing the Path of the Hunter quest.
  • Remember to think about what weapon would be best for what you're hunting. Things like deer run fast and can be hard to take out with the shotgun, but a bow or a sniper rifles makes life easier. A shotgun for the Komodo Dragons works well, and when you're in doubt blow it up.
  • Don't know where an animal you're looking is? Check out your map!


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