Borderlands 2 Mechromancer Tips

Shortly after the release of Borderlands 2, a fifth playable character was released. That character was Gaige the Mechromancer. Her special ability is to summon a Deathtrap, a flying robot pet that take out Gaiges her opponents. Her three talent trees are Best Friends Forever, Little Big Trouble, and Ordered Chaos.

Best Friends Forever is probably the most popular skill tree to take for Gaige and was designed to make life a little easier for the player. With skills like Take Close Enough, that allows bullets to ricochet off just about anything and automatically start heading towards enemies, making the game a bit more forgiving.

Little Big Trouble is more about giving added shock damage. Skills like One Two Boom Deathtrap fires off a giant electric orb, once you shoot it (which can be a problem) it causes a major electrical explosion can take out large groups of enemies quickly.  The last skill in the tree, Make it Sparkle, lets you shoot Deathtrap with an elemental weapon, giving that element to Deathtrap also can make dealing with large enemies a whole lot easier.

Ordered Chaos is probably the most complicated tree in the entire freakin game. A really simplified version of this tree is you earn Anarchy stacks each time you kill or completely drain and reload an ammo clip. The more stacks the more damage you do but you loose accuracy. The other side of the coin however is Discord. Discord is activated by reloading before you completely drain a clip. The Discord then drains your Anarchy stacks giving your health regeneration, accuracy bonus. To stop the drain of Anarchy just reload before you need to again and it will stop. The secret is to work out the push and pull of the two trees to maximize damage.  All this can get rather complicated and frustrating and is more recommended for experienced players.

Gaige is the first character I beat Borderlands 2 with and I would recommend her to anybody. I used the Little Big Trouble skill  tree and found that sitting back with a good sniper rifle and a shotgun worked really well.  It was easy to take out major villains by letting Deathtrap loose and just sitting back picking off anybody that that made it around him.


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