Borderlands 2 Salvador Tips

Today I'm going to write about Salvador the Gunzerker. Salvador is what would be referred to in traditional games as the berserker.  He's the guy that goes in with guns blazing and takes everybody out. If you're the more up-close and personal kinda fps player this is the guy to go for.

Salavadors' special ability is Gunzerking. Gunzerking lets you bust out two weapons at the same time and take out everything in your way. While with other classes the cool down for your skills isn't that bad the Gunzerking is one of the higher ones with a 42 second wait until you can use it again.

As with all the other toons you get your choice of 3 skill trees to buff up Salvador.

  • Gun Lust- this skill tree is more about reloading, changing weapons and making the guns use more potent.
  • Rampage - this tree is more about your ammo, recovering and capacity, not to mention lowering cool down time and making the actual gunzeking last longer.
  • Brawn - the tank class making you tougher to kill,  more health, faster movement, and health recovery.

  • If you're used to playing the tank in most games and like that idea of being darn near invincible go with brawn.
  • The skills Divergent Likeness and Keep it Piping Hot help deal better damage while your not in the Gunzerker mode, helping you survive that much better.
  •  Any weapon is a good weapon for the the Gunzerker except for the sniper rifles. After all this is supposed to be the tank, if you want to stay back and take it easy with a sniper rifle go with Zer0 or Maya.


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