
Showing posts from February, 2013

Black Flag Confirmed

Today Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag has been confirmed. Of course we all knew about this after a marketing material was leaked about a week ago. This installment of the super popular Assassin's Creed series is going to be the first to take us to a new time period with a new hero. So far the buzz on the net is we will playing as some sort of pirate, which isn't to big a jump after how successful the navel battles were in the last installment of the series. The first real details of this new game will be hitting the net, officially, March 4th. If you haven't seen the new picture for AC4 you can click here , to head on over to IGN.

The Thunder King Rises!

Oohhh man it's close now or at least it darn well better be. Patch 5.2 The Thunder King is on it's way and oh man does it look good. They've recently come out with an official trailer, if you want to check it out, and you really do,along with all the other nifty new stuff we can expect just click here . So far we can expect 2 new world bosses, a new raid Throne of Thunder, and new armor sets.

Final Mass Effect 3 Downloads

That's right the final Mass Effect 3 downloads are on their way, touching moment. Anyway the final Multiplayer download should be here February 26th for Xbox 360 and PS3 and a day later on the PC. This patch is supposed to include a new playable Geth Juggernaunt,, Female Turian Raptor, Talon Mercenary and Alliance Infiltration Unit. We'll also get a bunch of new weapons including the Lancer Assault Rifle, Gether Spitfire Assault Rifle and Venom Shotgun. The Single-Player download will be priced around $14.99 and come in two downloads. You can download the second part for free but it just wont work without the first part that takes the money. We should be able to download those on March 5th. Chris Priestly posted this synopsis on the BioWare forums: “When a sinister conspiracy targets Commander Shepard, you and your team must uncover the truth, through battles and intrigue that range from the glamour of the Citadel’s Wards to the top-secret Council Archives. Uncover ...

PS4 a whole lot less...

I love my PS3. I've been in love with the whole Playstation experience since the first one and then the PS4 info was released. I don't know what to say other than I'm angry. Yes the new system has super power, and the new games looked pretty slick. Of course I want to play the new Infamous but Sony has screwed this up. First off it's not backwards compatible. I was happy when they said that at first the PS3 wasn't backwards compatible at first but they were working on it. Then we found out that they has lied to us and took out it's ability to play older games for the simple reason as they found a better way to make money and we could just go onto the Playstation store and buy the games again. Now the PS4 info is out and we find out that it isn't backwards compatible in not just the fact that it wont run disks of the past, but it wont even run the games you've already downloaded. Their is no reason for this. We see newer systems playing older games all...

Vita price cut...maybe

So Sony has announced that a price cut is coming to Vita over in Japan. I know you want to start cheering, but hold it in Why are you holding it in you ask? Cause you aren't getting one. At least not yet. When IGN contacted Sony about the price cut Sony basically said they didn't have anything to say and we should just be excited about the PS4.  We are supposed to hear about the PS4 on February 20th.

Injustice prediction...

Injustice: Gods Among Us is well on it's way into gaming libraries all over the world on April 16th but is the game going to be good?  I really have my doubts to be honest. I've found over and over again that the source material doesn't matter much anymore. For example Aliens: Colonial Mariens. The Aliens lore is rich and plentiful yet they still manage to biff the game. I've also come to the conclusion that the more advertising you push, and they've done a lot, the less faith they actually have in the game. I really just don't think Injustice is going to be that great of a game. I'm waiting for the loud roar on release day. Of course I could be wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

Destiny, Bungies next expedition

So Bungie has given us a larger look into the future world of Destiny. Destiny is going to be a shared world FPS.... What's that? Well you know when  your friends just jump into the middle of your world when you're playing Borderlands 2, it's that. Even that is kind of up in the air though, since Bungie didn't let us see any game play.So we know that we aren't going to be having to pay a subscription fee. We also know that it's not going PC. It's only going to be on the consoles, now if that's going to be the systems that are already out or if they mean the next gen systems we don't know. I would assume next gen for the simple reason that on the 20th we are supposed to get release info the ps4. As for the game it's self we know their is going to be three character classes, Titan, Hunters, and Warlocks. The game is going to have tons of gear, weapons, vehicles, heck we're even going to get a spaceship, mmmmmmm spaceship goodness. Right now...

WoW Valor transfer cancelled

That's right before I posted about the currency change from valor to justice and justice to gold. That's been taken out.  The change between Conquest to honor and honor to Gold is is still on however.  So you still want to keep hording those Valor points so when patch 5.2 is finally released you'll be able to pick up more of the new gear. They decided to not make the change because it just felt mean, as many of the players agreed. People didn't want to go run LFR before because all the valor they got was going to be taken from them and who wants to grind when you aren't going to get anything out of it. I know I wasn't going to do it. So thank you Blizzard for listening to your fans, and I guess it's time to go back to grinding. If you want to hear the big long official response about why the valor change was cancelled you can go to the link here .

The Last of Us pushed back.

The last of us has been pushed back from May 7,  to June 14. Naughty Dog released the official statement: As a team we pride ourselves on setting a very high quality bar for every aspect of our games – gameplay, story, art, design, technology and more. We want to make sure The Last of Us raises that bar even further – for ourselves, and most importantly, our fans. As we entered the final phase of development for The Last of Us, we came to realize just how massive Joel and Ellie’s journey is. But instead of cutting corners or compromising our vision, we came to the tough decision that the game deserved a few extra weeks to ensure every detail of The Last of Us was up to Naughty Dog’s internal high standard. This seems to be the standard line from every company out there lately but I guess I can't really complain. After all if the game came came out and stunk I would be angry, and it's only a little over a month. I guess my biggest problem is it's only a little over a mont...

Mad Moxxi Spreads the Love.

So Valentines day is here and while some of the misguided are out there spending it with "loved ones" I'm here spending it with something way more important, Borderlands 2. For this special day Gearbox is posting a some SHiFT Codes for Loverpalooza. The codes are only from February 14 to the 17th so you're going to want to jump on this. Shift Codes for Loverpalooza: PC/Mac Shift Code: W3KJ3-69JR5-9CXT3-JTJJT-WSCK5 Xbox 360 Shift Code: W3W3B-BHX9K-3TSTX-WXJ3J-XCHKH PlayStation 3 Shift Code: WJCJJ-HCBFB-CCKC3-H3CJT-6FBHW  I got these codes from, where they post them on a regular basis for a link that just click  here , also you can pick up SHiFT codes on the Borderlands 2 facebook page. The codes will get your a new skin for your toon, along with Mad Moxxi's Heartbreaker. It's a Hyperion shotgun with nine rounds and added fire damage. It's just going to appear in your inventory so you don't have to go blow any of your golden keys, like ...

Diablo 1.0.7 Patch

 It's time to jump back into the world Diablo 3 for those of us that just ran out of demon hunting steam. The latest patch has some really big new changes to suck us back in. With this patch we finally get some Diablo 3 PvP.  The patch opens up "The Scorched Chapel,"  that you can access by speaking to Nek the Brawler. So far the battles will consist of 2 to 4 players battling it out.  Blizzard hopes to get other pvp modes out in later patches but haven't let out any hints of what those modes will be.  PvP is finally here after being promised to us since before the release along with an auction house that they got working late last year. Other big changes with this patch will come for the Wizard and the Monk. Both the monk and Wizard will get a huge increase in damage, almost doubling the amount of damage done by most skills. For a full list of all the changes for this massive patch check out the offical Diablo 3 patch notes by clicking  here.   ...

Why did I pre-order again?

I've given up on pre-ordering games. When I was younger it was a big deal, I had to know that I was going to be able to get that game the day it came out and it had it's perks. Sometimes it came with dinky little toy, a poster, art book, or some kinda of download. Lately though it just doesn't seem worth it. Games that looked so great when they were on the way finally get here and aren't received all that well. A prime example is the latest Aliens game. All the pictures looked great and when developers would talk about it, it sounded little rainbows and lollypops...well Alien rainbows and lollypops. Maybe not the best analogy but you get the idea. Now that it's out, horrible reviews abound, well except for egm, but we don't talk about that. From now on I'm just waiting for the game to come out. I'm waiting to see what everybody has to say and I want to see what the game actually is going to look like before I buy it. For the $60 that they want for that...

Finally a game that answers the question, who wins Batman or Superman.

DC Injustice, a fighting game made to settle all those endless arguments you and your friends had about who would win in a battle between your favorite DC comic characters. DC comics and the makers of the Mortal Kombat games have given us Injustice: Gods Among Us. For a quick plot run down, the Joker finally gets off a major attack killing a ton of people. As a result we turn into a police state. While some see this as a good way to protect the people, others see this as our complete loss of freedom. Batman and other anti-authority, fight the man types will be part of the "rebel" group. Heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman are leading the others. Character we know: Bane Batman Shazam Catwoman Cyborg Deathstroke Flash Green Arrow Green Lantern Harley Quinn Joker Lex Luthor Nightwing Solomon Grundy Superman  Wonder Woman Rumored Characters: Hawk Girl Aquaman Doomsday Raven Ares Black Adam Sinestro Of course with the gigantic roster of heroes an...

PS4 rumor, hold me.

So the rumor is that we are going to find out what we can expect from the PS4 on February 20th, but until then we are going to have to settle for random rumors from "unnamed Sony officials." What we're hearing right now is that Sony is going to push to make the PS4 to be the "nerve center" of your homes entertainment. That the main selling point is going to be beefed-up hardware, but how it's going to be able to connect with mobile devices. Sony, really? I don't care about how I might be able to connect to things with my mobile devices. What I want is a super powered system, with the newest prettiest graphics, and super amazing launch titles. If you think giving the PS4 a bunch of stuff to do with mobile anything is going to make me buy more equipment you've lost your mind. With three systems on the market not to mention your PC, where more and more games are going at launch right now, I can pick and choose where I take my gaming money. Of course...

WoW patch 5.2 Currency Conversion

So as with every patch, WoW players get to pick up some new gear. Also with every time we get a new set of valor gear and PvP gear their comes a currency change. This time around things are going to be a bit different. This time old Valor items wont be changing to cost Justice points. Now they are just going to lower the price of of current Valor gear by 50-75%. Also all Valor points will be converted to Justice points and Justice points over the 4k cap will be changed to gold. Valor->Justice->Gold The same thing will be happening with PvP gear. Conquest points will be changed to Honor and Honor over the 4k cap will be changed over to gold. Conquest->Honor->Gold So what do you do with what you have? Well that's up to you really. The more justice and honor you have now, the more gold you'll be getting after the change.  My only problem is that where in the past the valor gear would only cost justice points, they wont be doing that this time. So they are goin...

Borderlands 2, Tiny Tina conveying racism?

For all of us that have played or are playing Borderlands 2 we've had the please of meeting Tiny Tina. Tiny Tina is everybody's favorite explosives obsessed, orphan. Well I thought she was everyone loved her but recently the fact that Tina used "African American lingo" was compared to "verbal blackface." All this started with a tweet from Mike Sacco, a creative developer from Cryptozoic Entertainment, to Anthony Burch saying “Hey. I really like BL2′s writing, but Tiny Tina’s trope of 'white girl talkin’ like them urban folk!!” has got to go.” This set off a fire storm of tweets including one saying “Its exaggerated stereotypical low class “black” lingo that with Tina amounts to verbal blackface.” After a series of tweets Burch ended saying “The last thing I want to be is exclusionary or prejudiced, so if Tina truly is problematic I’ll change her,” then added, “I’m just not convinced that a character using lingo like badonkadonk/crunk is inherently ...

Skyrim Tips Part 1

I've been an Elder Scroll fan since Morrowind was released back in the day. There's something about the giant open world where anything is possible that just pulls me in and makes me go on. In most games once the main story is over I just slowly stop playing but the Elder Scroll games have so much to do and such an engrossing world that I always find myself unable to stop playing. But that same massive open world can be slightly intimidating for some. So I've decided to give some tips for the latest installment of the Elder Scroll franchise, Skyrim. Save early and save often. F5 is the quick save, use it. Read Everything. Knowledge is power and you need all you can get. Choose a play style that works for you. Magic, hack and slash, sneaking it all works. If one style isn't working for an enemy, try another one. If your health, magic, or stamina are low, rest. Press T to rest. Look for Oil on the floor, fire will light it up and take out enemies. Their is a wagon...

FarCry 3 Signature Weapons

I didn't even know their was Signature Weapons in FarCry 3 until I unlocked  Shredder, the Signature smg. So I decided to go out and find them all. Just a little side note though, just because it's a Signature weapon doesn't make it the best weapon. All the Signature weapons come with their own attachments and can't be modified. So if you like your sniper rifle with a silencer on it you aren't going to like something like AMR. So without further adieu here is a list of all the Signature weapons and how to get them. Shadow: Pistol with an extended magazine, silencer, enhanced accuracy and better stealth. You can unlock this by taking over 17 enemy camps. Shredder: Not just after those darn Ninja Turtles any more. Shredder is an smg with a silencer, extended magazine, reflex sight. Not to mention the  Enhanced accuracy and damage. You can unlock this by collecting ten memory cards. Bull: This shotgun is unlocked by finding ten relics. It has an extended shell ca...