PS4 a whole lot less...

I love my PS3. I've been in love with the whole Playstation experience since the first one and then the PS4 info was released.
I don't know what to say other than I'm angry. Yes the new system has super power, and the new games looked pretty slick. Of course I want to play the new Infamous but Sony has screwed this up.

First off it's not backwards compatible. I was happy when they said that at first the PS3 wasn't backwards compatible at first but they were working on it. Then we found out that they has lied to us and took out it's ability to play older games for the simple reason as they found a better way to make money and we could just go onto the Playstation store and buy the games again. Now the PS4 info is out and we find out that it isn't backwards compatible in not just the fact that it wont run disks of the past, but it wont even run the games you've already downloaded. Their is no reason for this. We see newer systems playing older games all the time without special hardware. If anything this is just another Sony scheme to cash in

Sony is making a big deal out of the Move built in and the PS4 Eye. Really? The eye toy already failed horribly along with the Move. Remember when the Eye toy came out? I think their was a grand total of four games for it, none that sold very well and it was forgotten. The Move hasn't gotten very good reviews anywhere and I can't think of any games that use it that have gotten good reviews. As for the SiAxis controller. How often do you use that. I know I can't stand the darn thing.They say that it's been reworked for better control but I have a feeling that it's going to end up going by the wayside just like very other iteration of it has.

So for me I think this might be the end of my long romance with Sony. You introduced me to some of my favorite games but I'm not getting shafted like this. I wont buy a third copy of my favorite games. I wont buy more games just to have somebody turn around and say oops can't use that anymore. I wont pay for a game streaming service. I can get on Steam and download almost all the same games. I can just use my PC and play games for a decade ago without any problems at all. I'll keep playing my PS3 until it does, but  really doubt that I'm going to be picking up the PS4.


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