Diablo 1.0.7 Patch

 It's time to jump back into the world Diablo 3 for those of us that just ran out of demon hunting steam. The latest patch has some really big new changes to suck us back in.

With this patch we finally get some Diablo 3 PvP.  The patch opens up "The Scorched Chapel,"  that you can access by speaking to Nek the Brawler. So far the battles will consist of 2 to 4 players battling it out.  Blizzard hopes to get other pvp modes out in later patches but haven't let out any hints of what those modes will be.  PvP is finally here after being promised to us since before the release along with an auction house that they got working late last year.

Other big changes with this patch will come for the Wizard and the Monk. Both the monk and Wizard will get a huge increase in damage, almost doubling the amount of damage done by most skills.

For a full list of all the changes for this massive patch check out the offical Diablo 3 patch notes by clicking here. 


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