Destiny, Bungies next expedition

So Bungie has given us a larger look into the future world of Destiny. Destiny is going to be a shared world FPS.... What's that? Well you know when  your friends just jump into the middle of your world when you're playing Borderlands 2, it's that. Even that is kind of up in the air though, since Bungie didn't let us see any game play.So we know that we aren't going to be having to pay a subscription fee.
We also know that it's not going PC. It's only going to be on the consoles, now if that's going to be the systems that are already out or if they mean the next gen systems we don't know. I would assume next gen for the simple reason that on the 20th we are supposed to get release info the ps4.
As for the game it's self we know their is going to be three character classes, Titan, Hunters, and Warlocks. The game is going to have tons of gear, weapons, vehicles, heck we're even going to get a spaceship, mmmmmmm spaceship goodness.

Right now I'm not so impressed. It's just another open world shooter. So far we can just see concept art, which means nothing at all. Maybe once we start seeing more from the actual game my opinion will get better but until then....


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