Why did I pre-order again?

I've given up on pre-ordering games. When I was younger it was a big deal, I had to know that I was going to be able to get that game the day it came out and it had it's perks. Sometimes it came with dinky little toy, a poster, art book, or some kinda of download. Lately though it just doesn't seem worth it.
Games that looked so great when they were on the way finally get here and aren't received all that well. A prime example is the latest Aliens game. All the pictures looked great and when developers would talk about it, it sounded little rainbows and lollypops...well Alien rainbows and lollypops. Maybe not the best analogy but you get the idea. Now that it's out, horrible reviews abound, well except for egm, but we don't talk about that.
From now on I'm just waiting for the game to come out. I'm waiting to see what everybody has to say and I want to see what the game actually is going to look like before I buy it. For the $60 that they want for that game it darn well better be good.


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