FarCry 3 Signature Weapons

I didn't even know their was Signature Weapons in FarCry 3 until I unlocked  Shredder, the Signature smg. So I decided to go out and find them all. Just a little side note though, just because it's a Signature weapon doesn't make it the best weapon. All the Signature weapons come with their own attachments and can't be modified. So if you like your sniper rifle with a silencer on it you aren't going to like something like AMR.

So without further adieu here is a list of all the Signature weapons and how to get them.
  • Shadow: Pistol with an extended magazine, silencer, enhanced accuracy and better stealth. You can unlock this by taking over 17 enemy camps.
  • Shredder: Not just after those darn Ninja Turtles any more. Shredder is an smg with a silencer, extended magazine, reflex sight. Not to mention the  Enhanced accuracy and damage. You can unlock this by collecting ten memory cards.
  • Bull: This shotgun is unlocked by finding ten relics. It has an extended shell capacity along with enhanced damage.
  • Bushman: You can buy this assault rifle after you activate all the radio tower. It has an optical scope, silencer and extended magazine. It does enhanced damage and has better accuracy.
  • Ripper: This light machine gun has an optical scope, extended magazine and has enhanced accuracy, damage and low recoil. You can unlock this by completing six of the Trials of the Rakyat.
  • AMR: After finding 20 Relics you can buy this sniper rifle. It has an extended magazine, high power  scope, fires explosive, penetrating rounds (good by heavies), and does have enhanced damage for long range shot.
  • Japanese Tanto: You can unlock this blade by finding six Letter of the Lost. The tanto increases the damage you deal with melee combat.


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