WoW Valor transfer cancelled

That's right before I posted about the currency change from valor to justice and justice to gold. That's been taken out.  The change between Conquest to honor and honor to Gold is is still on however.  So you still want to keep hording those Valor points so when patch 5.2 is finally released you'll be able to pick up more of the new gear.

They decided to not make the change because it just felt mean, as many of the players agreed. People didn't want to go run LFR before because all the valor they got was going to be taken from them and who wants to grind when you aren't going to get anything out of it. I know I wasn't going to do it.

So thank you Blizzard for listening to your fans, and I guess it's time to go back to grinding. If you want to hear the big long official response about why the valor change was cancelled you can go to the link here.


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