WoW patch 5.2 Currency Conversion

So as with every patch, WoW players get to pick up some new gear. Also with every time we get a new set of valor gear and PvP gear their comes a currency change. This time around things are going to be a bit different.
This time old Valor items wont be changing to cost Justice points. Now they are just going to lower the price of of current Valor gear by 50-75%. Also all Valor points will be converted to Justice points and Justice points over the 4k cap will be changed to gold.


The same thing will be happening with PvP gear. Conquest points will be changed to Honor and Honor over the 4k cap will be changed over to gold.


So what do you do with what you have? Well that's up to you really. The more justice and honor you have now, the more gold you'll be getting after the change.  My only problem is that where in the past the valor gear would only cost justice points, they wont be doing that this time. So they are going to take away all those Valor points I've been grinding to get and I get to start the grind all over, and the justice I'm going to be getting is going to be useless. It feels like Blizzard is artificially extending the length of this expansion because it's content is lasting as long as they thought it would. Still I'm looking forward to the new gear and the rest of the content that's going to be released with this coming patch.


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