Mad Moxxi Spreads the Love.

So Valentines day is here and while some of the misguided are out there spending it with "loved ones" I'm here spending it with something way more important, Borderlands 2. For this special day Gearbox is posting a some SHiFT Codes for Loverpalooza. The codes are only from February 14 to the 17th so you're going to want to jump on this.

Shift Codes for Loverpalooza:
  • PC/Mac Shift Code: W3KJ3-69JR5-9CXT3-JTJJT-WSCK5
  • Xbox 360 Shift Code: W3W3B-BHX9K-3TSTX-WXJ3J-XCHKH
  • PlayStation 3 Shift Code: WJCJJ-HCBFB-CCKC3-H3CJT-6FBHW 
I got these codes from, where they post them on a regular basis for a link that just click  here, also you can pick up SHiFT codes on the Borderlands 2 facebook page.
The codes will get your a new skin for your toon, along with Mad Moxxi's Heartbreaker. It's a Hyperion shotgun with nine rounds and added fire damage. It's just going to appear in your inventory so you don't have to go blow any of your golden keys, like I didn't do....


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