
Showing posts from January, 2015

Borderlands Pre-Sequel New DLC

The next DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, has been announced. Lady Hammerlock the Baroness, will let you play as the new toon, Lady Hammerlock. Of course that name should sound familiar, she's the mean older sister of Sir Hammerlock. Her skill trees are Huntress, Cold Money and Contractual Aristocracy. Huntress is all about her sniping skills. Cold Money is about cryo damage. Contractual Aristocracy seems to be more about multiplayer, where you turn your friend into a servant, each of you giving each other bonuses. This DLC is part of the season pass if you have it, if you don't it's gonna cost you $9.99 and will be able to download on January 27. I wasn't a huge fan of the Pre-Sequel, and don't have any of the other DLC.  A hint was made about a Borderlands 3, so fingers crossed that will be good.

Guild Wars 2 First Expansion

Guild Wars 2 has announced it's first expansion at PAX, Heart of Thorns.  The expansion is supposed to include a new Mastery System, a new specialization system, a new Profession, Guild Halls, a new Stronghold PvP game mode and a new Borderland WvW. Specializations sound like they will be almost a sub-class. An example I've heard is Rangers will be able to learn abilities of the Druid, giving them some kind of new healing skill and the use of the staff weapons along with some other abilities. The Mastery system is supposed to be account based, where you get points for completing parts of the story, exploring the map, completing challenges, and taking out super creatures. For completing one those you'll get mastery points that let you buy special abilities. I guess their is a hang gliding ability that will let you finish the exploration and give you the ability to get to secret places. Another ability will let you get special crafting items easier. What I'm lookin...

Elder Scrolls Online drops subs!

As if nobody saw this one coming, Bethesda has announced that The Elder Scrolls Online will be dropping it's subscription fees. The game from that point will be called The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel Unlimited.  It's not going to be completely free to play though, you're going to still have to buy the actual game. Buying the game will give you open access to all the already released content.  For those that are hardcore fans and have an urge to pay a sub you'll still be able to. The subs will be for 30, 90, 180 day durations which will give access to all the game-packs that have "optional content." Once the sub fee runs out you wont be able to access to content anymore. You'll also get "character progression bonuses, and crowns (an in-game currency). Bethesda has said they will give out more information on January 21 on their Twitch stream. Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is set to launch March 17.

Nightly Show debut first thoughts

Last night The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore debuted. I always found Larry Wilmore funny while he was on The Daily Show and I'm used to being able to tune in at this time slot and find something funny, since it just so happens to be where The Colbert Report used to be. Maybe that's why the show just didn't wasn't that great for me, I've set the bar to high?  Colbert used to be one of my favorite shows. I knew if I tuned in I was going to get a good half an hour of funny, social commentary. Last night The Nightly Show just didn't do it for me. It had funny moments, but instead of finding a funny show I found the occasional funny one moment. It was only a first show though and it's hard to judge any show by just that. It always takes a little while for a new show to get on a roll. I would give the show another chance. It had it's funny moments and hopefully those will grow as the show moves along.

H1Z1 and What is P2W

Recently H1Z1 was released, well not really released. The early accessed was released but that's a different story. Anyway people are angry because the developer made a big deal about the game not being P2W (pay to win), but some of the players aren't seeing it that way. In H1Z1 you are able to pay real money to call in an air drop. The air drop summons a plane to fly over that will drop a crate that will hold some items and summon zombies. Their has to be at lease 100 other players around to do the air drop and any of them can steal it from you. So what is pay to win? Pay to win is when you can spend real money to pick up bigger better items that you either wouldn't be able to get normally or you could get but would take forever to get. It's a guaranteed thing that will make things super easy for the player spending the money. The practice happens more often than not in free to play games, so they really aren't all that free, but can also happen in games with s...

3DS XL News!

Just when I started to wonder when the new 3DS XL was going to finally launch here in the U.S., just like magic Poof, it appears. Recently an advirtising poster has appeared showing that our launch date for the new 3DS will be February 13. Nintendo hasn't confirmed or denied the poster as being real, or accurate but it made me happy and I don't want to burst that bubble. With Nintendo Direct happening tomorrow with any luck at all we will find out if it's accurate.

GTA 5 pushed back again!

That's right GTA 5 has been pushed back again, this time until March 24th. Is it a big deal? Do we even care anymore? A lot of people don't seem to mind, after all they are pushing it back again to put that little bit of polish on it so we aren't getting that bug ridden piece of junk that seems to plague all to many game lately. I think that's a very nice way to think about it, but how many times can something be pushed back and how far before we start to worry? Maybe I'm just a negative person but after this long I'm starting to wonder, does this game have some kind of epic problems they just can't fix! I guess we wont really know until it finally does launch and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's good, but with everything that we went threw last year with bugs I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Agent Carter First Impressions

The other night the first two episodes of Agent Carter premiered. The story takes place a couple year after the Captain America movie. Agent Carter is stuck in a desk job where she is treated more like a glorified secretary than super spy that she is. I enjoyed the story a lot! I thought the pace was good considering that they had to reintroduce Agent Carter along with the rest of the cast. You can't exactly dive right in. I thought all the costumes, sets, even the music was amazing and fit perfectly for the time period. The acting was well done I didn't feel like anybody was treating it like they were in some kind of hokey comic book T.V. show. A lot of people seemed to think the show was slow, but like I said before I always expect first episodes to be a little slower than the regular show will be, simply because they have to set everything up for the rest of the series, but I didn't think this one was very slow at all. I thought the second episodes moved a lot faster...

Dragon Age Inquisition Opening Review

I am not loving Dragon Age Inquisition as much as I had hoped I would. It's not a bad game, it just feels like for everything they put into the game, they didn't finish with it or completely think it threw. So before you read my thoughts on the game, I'm only 30 hours in. If things get better I'll let you know but so far this is what I'm thinking. Pros: The character creator is back. It's so much fun, I think I spent a couple hours making my toon. Lots of side quests Very nice graphics you get a mounts Cons: Character combat management. More often than not my party randomly runs off and gets me in trouble and almost never does what I want them to. Dinky Maps. All but one of the maps is so small. The one large map is nice a big, but all the others are just small.  You never feel like their is any point to having the mounts I never fee like I'm being rewarded for anything. Kill a major boss, here's a dagger that was good three levels ago.......