Nightly Show debut first thoughts

Last night The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore debuted. I always found Larry Wilmore funny while he was on The Daily Show and I'm used to being able to tune in at this time slot and find something funny, since it just so happens to be where The Colbert Report used to be. Maybe that's why the show just didn't wasn't that great for me, I've set the bar to high? 

Colbert used to be one of my favorite shows. I knew if I tuned in I was going to get a good half an hour of funny, social commentary. Last night The Nightly Show just didn't do it for me. It had funny moments, but instead of finding a funny show I found the occasional funny one moment.

It was only a first show though and it's hard to judge any show by just that. It always takes a little while for a new show to get on a roll. I would give the show another chance. It had it's funny moments and hopefully those will grow as the show moves along.


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