Guild Wars 2 First Expansion

Guild Wars 2 has announced it's first expansion at PAX, Heart of Thorns.  The expansion is supposed to include a new Mastery System, a new specialization system, a new Profession, Guild Halls, a new Stronghold PvP game mode and a new Borderland WvW.

Specializations sound like they will be almost a sub-class. An example I've heard is Rangers will be able to learn abilities of the Druid, giving them some kind of new healing skill and the use of the staff weapons along with some other abilities.

The Mastery system is supposed to be account based, where you get points for completing parts of the story, exploring the map, completing challenges, and taking out super creatures. For completing one those you'll get mastery points that let you buy special abilities. I guess their is a hang gliding ability that will let you finish the exploration and give you the ability to get to secret places. Another ability will let you get special crafting items easier.

What I'm looking forward to most of all is the new profession, Revenant. They'll have heavy armor, greats swords, are able to to control the Mists, and have some ability to channel the power of ancient demons. mmmmmm demons.

Something that wont be changing however is that level cap, this is supposed to keep the all the old gear worth keeping.

Their is no release date as of yet, but I guess I'll have to be re-installing GW2. I haven't played since just after launch so now might be the time to make a new toon, find a guild and get back into the game.


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