GTA 5 pushed back again!

That's right GTA 5 has been pushed back again, this time until March 24th. Is it a big deal? Do we even care anymore?

A lot of people don't seem to mind, after all they are pushing it back again to put that little bit of polish on it so we aren't getting that bug ridden piece of junk that seems to plague all to many game lately.

I think that's a very nice way to think about it, but how many times can something be pushed back and how far before we start to worry? Maybe I'm just a negative person but after this long I'm starting to wonder, does this game have some kind of epic problems they just can't fix!

I guess we wont really know until it finally does launch and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's good, but with everything that we went threw last year with bugs I'm not going to get my hopes up.


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