Dragon Age Inquisition Opening Review

I am not loving Dragon Age Inquisition as much as I had hoped I would. It's not a bad game, it just feels like for everything they put into the game, they didn't finish with it or completely think it threw. So before you read my thoughts on the game, I'm only 30 hours in. If things get better I'll let you know but so far this is what I'm thinking.

  • The character creator is back. It's so much fun, I think I spent a couple hours making my toon.
  • Lots of side quests
  • Very nice graphics
  • you get a mounts

  • Character combat management. More often than not my party randomly runs off and gets me in trouble and almost never does what I want them to.
  • Dinky Maps. All but one of the maps is so small. The one large map is nice a big, but all the others are just small.
  •  You never feel like their is any point to having the mounts
  • I never fee like I'm being rewarded for anything. Kill a major boss, here's a dagger that was good three levels ago.... yay.
  • Specializations seem super reduced
  • On the PC, the game feels like port.
On the whole the game reminds me more of the second Dragon Age game, than the first one. The first Dragon Age game is still my favorite but we'll see as the game plays out if it gets any better.


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