H1Z1 and What is P2W

Recently H1Z1 was released, well not really released. The early accessed was released but that's a different story. Anyway people are angry because the developer made a big deal about the game not being P2W (pay to win), but some of the players aren't seeing it that way.

In H1Z1 you are able to pay real money to call in an air drop. The air drop summons a plane to fly over that will drop a crate that will hold some items and summon zombies. Their has to be at lease 100 other players around to do the air drop and any of them can steal it from you.

So what is pay to win? Pay to win is when you can spend real money to pick up bigger better items that you either wouldn't be able to get normally or you could get but would take forever to get. It's a guaranteed thing that will make things super easy for the player spending the money. The practice happens more often than not in free to play games, so they really aren't all that free, but can also happen in games with subscription fees or one time paying games.

So was H1Z1 pay to win? NO! Yes, you can pay real money to start the air drop event, but you don't necessarily get anything good from the drop. From my understanding it could be anything from ammo or food, to some cosmetic item that doesn't help you at all. Along with that, other players can steal it from you. Really it's more of a gamble than anything. I don't know why anybody would want to spend real money on it but that's another blog.


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